Saturday, 21 February 2015

Yes, I'm that guy!

We had the SS call me the other day to inform me there was a slight issue with the slab and frame, however it would have a work around of either cutting/grinding back the slab where the Red arrows are, or modify the frame to achieve the same outcome.

However that then got me concerned, if there is 1 error in the slab, there must be more. I checked where the Green arrow is in the top photo and found that the Frame running down the outside of the house overhangs by 20mm for about 2 Metres before it becomes flush again.

I have sent photos to my SS about this to see what he can say about that, as this is not the initial problem that was raised to me. Fingers crossed as I think the Concrete guys failed Math's and Electronic Lasers!

Another error in the slab I found early on was the finish on this part of the slab near the Alfresco, Slippery dip.

Was told they can work around this, but still is it that hard to make something level>?

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